Wednesday, August 26, 2015

It's been awhile since I wrote.  Today I found my first sign of Autumn approaching.  This morning I opened the chicken's feed storage and found a mouse.  This evening he was back and brought two friends.  Obviously Elvis and Ellie, the outside cats aren't doing their job.
Work is going well, have learned a lot, met some awesome people and have discovered I still don't like cranky  rude people.  But dealing with them is part of the job. Thankfully they are few and far between.  Some of the patients (did I mention I work for a medical clinic) are really very nice with a large sense of humor.

Andy and Alex have started 8th and 7th grade.  Just thinking about their first days of preschool.  Alex is all excited about the upcoming football season.  Andy is concentrating on his garden, faithfulfly tending his tomato plants and his newly planted cauliflower and broccoli plants.  We are planning next years garden already.  Going to get some little known (for me anyway) heirloom tomato plants.

The four dogs and Sheba the cat are doing well.  Elvis and Ellie, as mentioned earlier, need to buckle down and do their job.  10 hens, `8 pullets or baby roosters and 6 baby chicks.  2 ducks and she is sitting on about 8 eggs.  Wait and see if they hatch in about 2 weeks.